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How to Use Our Services

Registering for the ESL Lab (If You Haven’t Yet)

You can register for one of our ESL Lab sections on your Self-Service account. We currently offer four types of ESL Lab sections:

  • ESL 508: This is a free, non-credit ESL Lab section open to all SJCC students. You don’t have to be taking an ESL class to register for this lab; you just need to be taking at least one SJCC course in the current semester.
  • ESL 322L: This is a 0.5 unit credit lab that is required for students taking our ESL 322 class.
  • ESL 522L:   This is the non-credit version of our ESL 322L lab section, and it is a required lab for students taking our ESL 522 class.
  • ESL 312L: This is a 0.5 unit credit lab that is required for students taking our ESL 312 class.

If you need help registering for a lab section, please contact us.


Making Appointments and/or Attending Sessions

To make appointments with lab tutors and instructors. please visit this semester’s ESL Lab Conference Canvas shell. If you cannot see this shell on your Canvas dashboard, you probably still need to register for an ESL Lab section.

You can choose to see instructors in person or on Zoom. For in-person sessions, you can just drop in on a 1st come, 1st served basis. However, if you don’t make an appointment, there is no guarantee that the tutor or instructor will have enough time to help you.

Reminder: If you are not yet registered for our ESL Lab, you will need to do so before you can have access to our Canvas shell and our services.


Attending Workshops

Workshops will be delivered either on Zoom or in person at the ESL Lab, located in room L-120 on the first floor of the library building, unless otherwise noted by the workshop title and information.

  • In-person workshops: To attend our in-person workshops, simply come to the ESL Lab in room L-120 (first floor of the Library Building) 10 minutes before the workshop starting time. Make sure to log in and out on the computer by the L-120 room entrance.
  • Zoom workshops: To attend our Zoom workshops, please sign up using the link on the homepage of your ESL Lab Conference Canvas shell. Then click on the Zoom link you will receive in your email once you sign up for the workshop.  

Click here to see this semester’s ESL Lab Workshop schedule.

Reminder: If you are not yet registered for our ESL Lab, you will need to do so before you can have access to our Canvas shell and our services.



Submitting Your Lab Hours (Timesheet)

To submit your hours for independent lab work you have completed, please visit the home page of this website, click on Timesheet on the navigation menu area at the top. On the Timesheet dropdown menu, you can find the  312L, 322L & 522L Timesheet and the  508 Timesheet. Select the timesheet for your lab section, fill out the form, and click on “submit” at the bottom. You should do this at the end of each month.  For Spring and Fall semesters: You can enter up to 10 hours per month on the timesheet; for Summer terms: You can enter up to 12 hours for June and up to 12 hours for July. For details about required hours for each lab section, please visit the Canvas shell for your specific lab section and/or contact your lab instructor for directions. 

Note: Do not submit workshop and conference time on this timesheet. Workshops and conferences are automatically recorded on your file once you sign up, attend, and log in and out.


Getting Started with Canvas and Zoom

Zoom “How-to” Video Tutorials 

How to Share Your Screen on Zoom 


Resetting Your Canvas or Self-Service Password

Password Reset Help for Self-Service and Canvas 


Need Tech Support?

Click here for information on tech support at SJCC.

Canvas and Zoom Help  


Other Campus Support Services

Click here to learn about a variety of support services available to you.